From a biological point of view, life is the result of complex processes of Carbon chemistry. It means that our genetical code is what makes us be what we are. My body is mine, like my pen is mine, but I’m not the body.
So what I am? Am I my thoughts?. But these thoughts are also based on chemistry… but are these thoughts my soul? My brain is like a computer only based on electrochemical reactions, and my conscience is like the software running on this computer. I have neurons instead of chips, but its functionality is still deterministic.
So where does my soul reside? If I switch off the computer, what is going to happen to me with what I am? What is the nature of the soul? What is it made of?
I hope that someone will help me to asnwer this questions.
3 comentarios:
Eh. Computers can't fall in love. They can't make themselves sit down for a week and eat chocolate ice cream, because some asshole dumped them. They can't allow envy to consume them, or madness to control them, and try to demolish an entire race of people. Computers won't jump in front of a friend, to take the bullet not meant for them. To those things things we don't know about- maybe we're not supposed to know about it? Eh? I could go on, and on, but I'm talking to you right now, and my brain (processor) output is null. :-P
The soul's first adventure is the fight between two ideas: the wish to return to earth in a human form, and the desire to feel the freedom of having no form.
Yo te lo voy a decir en castellano y me vas a entender, Santi:
- Somos la máquina más perfecta e imperfecta que existe.
- Hemos conseguido superar a cualquier máquina o animal porque somos conscientes de que existimos
- Tenemos sentimientos porque tenemos sensaciones, al igual que los animales, pero con un mayor desarrollo.
- Los animales tienen también sentimientos...tendrían alma entonces?
- El concepto de alma es intentar dar una explicación a nuestra consciencia y a nuestro miedo a la muerte, el terror a la nada...
- El alma es otra justificación de nuestra consciencia desde cualquier tipo de religión.
Está claro que no creo en la existencia del alma, no?
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