Right now we are talking about Big Bang and Big crush and the curvature of space-time. Two paralel lines in this Lobachevsky space cross in the infinite in a point. So there's a begining and and end for everything.
This is one of my definitions of God, the alfa and the omega. They can't be so much coincidences in the develope of our world to think they are just aleatory, so it must be a intelligent mind Who created everything. So I'm not close to the antropomorfic concept of God.
Uff... I hope not to bore you! I just needed to share this reflexions with someone and to check if they have some meaning or I'm just a fool. If only one of the constants we have in the universe were different it would have been impossible to arrive to carbon chemistry and to appear any kind of life. Do you really believe it's just azar? I don't think so.
1 comentario:
Interesante la teoría del paralelismo aplicado al origen del universo... Y si te pones a hecharle imaginación pues si podria ser que...
Aburrirme nosé, pero entretenerme buscando la biografía de Lobachevsky si lo has conseguido xD.
No quiero ser ofensivo. Pero éstos temas me traen recuerdos a la serie Padre de familia, donde da otra cierta visión del origen mostrando la figura de "supuesto" Dios tirándose una flatulencia con un mechero y de ahí saliendo todos los planetas, etc... XDXDXDXD
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